Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sam Mar Family, not to be confused with the Sam MarDocks

I watched all five parts of the PBS Special on Asian Americans.  They packed a lot of info in five hours to cover - from building the railroads to the destruction of Koreatown.  I wonder how many people not connected with Asian Americans  watched it.
They did touch on the paper son system the Chinese used to get by the Exclusion Act to get relatives (i.e., sons) into the U.S., and the 1960s amnesty program to come out with the true family relationships after the McCarthy Era and the Red Scare.

I was going to show this photo of Dad (Chin Wee, right) with Keng Lem taken in the Bak Sha village in 1937.  Dad was about 18 and Keng 15, if Keng's 1922 recorded birth year is correct.
Does Keng look 15 in this photo?

When I mentioned that Keng's Wife, Maureen, was one of the few Wichita Chinese housewives who spoke good English, I went to Keng's obituary to get more family information.  That was when I found his parents were Sam Mar and Shee Wong Mar (of Wichita). 

I confused those names with the Tyler, Texas family of Sam MarDock and Wong Shee MarDock.  I was barking up the wrong tree to fit Keng into the Mardock Family and trying to fit a paper son story into the relationship.  The MarDocks are family but several cousins removed.

So, Great-uncle Sam (Ken and Kim, that would be Thlam Gong) makes sense to me as Keng's Dad.

As a child I addressed Uncle Sam (Thlam Gong) as Uncle Sam.  Was he real or was he paper?  This photo of the Sam Mar Family includes Ken and me.  We saw them a lot.  Maybe we are related and calling them uncles and aunts was real.

Names: (standing): Maureen Lem holding Vincent, Keng Lem, Bob Mar, Oi Lick "Judy" Mar, Great Aunt Wong Shee Mar, Tick Pon "Junior" Mar, Sam Joe Mar. In front: Alice Lem, Han S. Mar, Gene Wee, Ken Wee.

Ken, Kim (& Sharon, Larry, Jone), do these names we called them seem correct?

Maureen Lem = Thlam Seem (3rd aunt younger than my Dad)
Keng Lem = Thlam Soak (3rd uncle younger than Dad)
Bob Mar = Thlee Soak (4th uncle younger than Dad)
Oi Lick Mar = Ngee Mu ( aunt older than Dad)
Junior Mar = Ngee Bok (uncle older than Dad).
Han = (the Junior & Oi Lick's son)


KW60 said...
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KW60 said...

I'm confused. Bob Mar is younger brother of Junior Mar? Same Bob Mar in California? I thought Robert Mar in California was a son. I thought Junior Mar had two sons, one in California and one in Missouri.

KW60 said...

Ngee Bok, Ngee Mu ... I used the names Bok Bok, Mu Mu more than I used Ngee Bok, Ngee Mu.

Wong Shee Mar is Keng Lem's mother. Good, now I have a name to her face and her relationship.

KW60 said...

I see in Julian Mardock's book photos of Sam MarDock (Tyler Merchant) and Wong Shee MarDock (Tyler housewife). Easy to confuse confuse two Wong Shee's. Coincidence or Wong Shee name recycled?