Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas and music

Christmas Day - There was a nice TV documentary on the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It HAS been along time since I was in a choir. They sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic (the Gould arrangement) - how I liked that piece! These days it is hard to carry a tune. But, like riding a bicycle I hope you don't forget and some day, given the opportunity, I can sing in a chorus. One of the latter songs on the program was "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing". Mom used to sing that and is a favorite hymn of mine. I thought it was of Scottish background, but is an American melody (Shaker?).
Anyway, it brought back memories of Mom, Don my brother who loved to sing, my youth and a past now long ago.
It was nice to reminisce.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Accessing blogger account

Had trouble logging into the blogger account the past week. Things have been messy ever since trying to use Internet Explorer 7. Went back to 6.0, but still some problems.