Saturday, April 23, 2005

KU Relays

Today is clear and sunny, a bit cool but the organizers hope for a record crowd today. Dee & I plan to be at the "Gold Zone" - the 2 pm to 5 pm prime time races.

The university 4-mile race last night was won by the KU. It was the 1965 4x1 mile relay I watched which impressed me about KU 's long history of good distance runners. While Tim Weaver has promoted this year's KU Relays as the best five spring relays, I would still disagree as the Penn Relays is so huge and on the East Coast and televised.


Anonymous said...

The may not be as big as the Penn Relays, but at least they're coming back. Now what we need is another Ryun.... Is there a website that gives the results?

Gene Mar Wee said...

The Lawrence Journal World website has stories, results and photos. It was the 2nd largest crowd in Relays history. Sunny, but blustery and chilly. Nice to have some KU victories and some of the world's fastest times.