KU Relays (April 1965) - the high school mile. Jim Ryun is leading Wichita East teammate Mike Pederson. In 4th is Steve Perry, the junior from Wichita North. At the end of season, Perry had a 4:18 time - 3rd best mile time in the nation. That time was also the 3rd best time in Kansas in 1965.

Great web site
Steve Perry was one of my closest childhood friends growing up in Wichita. He still lives there and is a successful landscape architect. It has been my honor to get to know the enemy (East High Ace, Jim Ryun) over the years. What a great Christian man! Two people I am glad to say I've known.
Interesting photo - expecialy since Ryun went on to do a sub 4 minute mile. The first for a high schooler and a record which stood almost 40 years! Too bad he never won the Olympics.
Larry Woelk
Thanks for the photo. It brings back memories. It also make me realize how old we are getting. The track at that time was clay and the lane lines were marked with chalk. I remember one Relays, after we got to KU, that gasoline was poured on the track to dry it out after a good May storm and when that didn't suffice, a helicopter was brought in to help disperse the remaining moisture. Times have changed, haven't they? I hope you are well and give my regards to Dee.
Mike Sheahon
Dave Cook forwarded this photo link to me. Man, talk about bringing back memories! The KU Relays were always the most fun, on and off the track, even with the weather. I still have my KU Relays watch we won in the 2-mile relay in '65. Even wear it once in a while for fun. Anyone remember the old barracks that we stayed in behind the stadium?
Although, maybe it was just North that stayed there. We weren't high rollers. My claim to fame is still running behind Jim and Mike in the Wichita City League race when Jim broke the 4-minute mile... and I got half of my face in Sport Magazine! Thanks for the good memories.
Steve Perry
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