Got the news yesterday that my nephew, Adam Krentz-Wee, will be going to Washington University in St Louis next fall. St Louis is where his parents (Sam, my brother, and Rev. Elizabeth) were married. I first met the Krentz Family in St Louis. Carl Graesser, a good friend of the family, was a SLOC member and coined the phrase "stalking walking" in contrast to the "cunning running" to promote the sport.
The Krentz-Wees took a mid-April trip to Germany, including Tubingen where Elizabeth spent 12th grade. Her father, the other Rev. Krentz, and Carl spent many days in the Tubingen area.
Apparently, so did the the new
Pope Benedict.
Small world, I was in St Louis a few days before Adams decisive trip to Wash U. Also in 68, could I have bumped into Joseph Ratzinger around SW Germany during a trip to Munich? Ratzinger's reactions to the student protests of the times were more theological than mine which were more mundane. French students in Bordeaux would throw bread at anyone in the cafeteria so bourgeois as to wear a hat to dinner.