Monday, March 07, 2022

June '36 - Hot, poor wheat, wish King be back soon (Hills)


Real Estate

Insurance – City Loans
501 Fourth National Bank Bldg.

Wichita, Kansas



                                                                                                June 19, 1936

Dear King:

We sure were glad to hear from you, and to know you are keeping well.  We have had a week of very warm weather – Tempt. Over 100 each day & still pretty warm of nights.  Wheat is not so very good, but there will be some in most places.  We are needing rain again.  So glad your mother keeps well also glad she liked her little gift we sent.  I know she enjoys having you with her.  We see Henry every once in a while, he seems to get along pretty good.  We are glad you are talking about coming back in October, for we miss seeing you a lot.  The girls & Bob are all well, and we all speak of you often.  Mrs. Hill & I keep busy at the office.  Write us again if you have the time.

With kindest regards from all of us.

                                                                                                Your friend Mr. & Mrs. Hill

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