Sunday, July 05, 2020

Letters from Lucille before 1936

This post will include several letters from Lucille MarDock to King mostly before his 1936 trip back to China.

Lucille (right) with Alinda Martin - 1930s high school  girls

1932, March 3 –  Someone died; want to hear from Cousin Joe

                                                                              428 South Fleishel Avenue
                                                                              Tyler, Texas

                                                                              March 3, 1932
Dear Cousin King :
      We received your letter quite a while ago, and have been intending to write to you, but I have been working for an oil company, and then, too, we wanted to wait and hear from Cousin Joe before we wrote you.  Cousin Joe has not written to us.  Have you heard from him?

      We were sorry to hear of the deaths that you wrote to us about.  Mamma and Papa said that they were too young to die, and it was somewhat a shock to hear about their deaths.  Mamma said to tell Uncle Toy Tom’s son to send more money home to his mother now.

      How are all of you getting along by now?  Is business any better up there with you?  We are all getting along fine, and business is about the same.  It has been very warm down here for the last two or three weeks, and it has rained a whole lot.  It rained here for eight days without stopping.  Is the weather cold there?

      Jake and Julian both got promoted in school.  Jake is now in the high 9th and Julian is in the high 7th.  I have not gotten permanent job yet, but I have a prospect of getting a place soon, and I surely hope that I can.

      Write to us soon, for we are always glad to hear from you.  If you have heard from Cousin Joe, we would like to know what news he writes.

                                                                              Your cousin,
                                                                              Lucille Mardock

[I'm beginning to think Cousin Joe is Sam Joe Mar of Wichita, my 3rd grand uncle (thlam gong) - Gene] 


1932, June 12 –  Yee’s Train Accident

                                                                              428 South Fleishel Avenue
                                                                              Tyler, Texas
                                                                              June 12, 1932
Dear Cousin King:
      How are you getting along by now?  It has been quite a while since we heard from you and we wondered how everything was with you and every one up there.  How is your business?  Everything is about the same here, and we are all getting along fine.  The weather has been very hot.  We had a good rain yesterday afternoon, however, and it has been some cooler since then.

      Do you remember Yee, who was my adopted brother?  He was in the oilfields, down by Kilgore, the early part of this week, and while he was trying to board a freight train, the train ran over him and cut his leg off just above the knee.  He had some head injuries, too, but I think he is getting along all right.  He has been working in Dallas for a number of years, but he was out of work and was down at Kilgore seeing what he could find to do.

      There has been quite a few Chinese men here who have been looking for a location and a chance to go into business, but they have had no luck so far.  Mar Hong was here for a while, but he has gone to Houston now.

      Mamma said to ask you if you all had any Chinese vegetables now, sand if you had not, we would send you some soon.  Please write us soon and tell us.

      Papa and Jake have gone to Longview, Kilgore, and Marshall this afternoon.  I suppose they will go to see Yee at the hospital in Kilgore.  I don’t know for sure.  They are going to Marshall to get Julian.  He has been in a Boy Scout’s camp, and I know he has been having a good time.

      Well, I will close for this time.  Write to us soon and tell us all about how things have been with you.
                                                                              Your Cousin,       
                                                                              Lucille Mardock


1933, Sept 26 – Lucille Working Every Day; King’s New Car

Lucille Mardock
428 South Fleishel Avenue
Tyler, Texas
September 26, 1933

Dear Cousin King :

      You must think by now that we didn’t appreciate the picture you sent us, but we liked it so much.  I am ashamed of myself for waiting so long to write you, but I really have been busy as I could be.  The day the pictures came, Mamma had it sitting on the table when I went home for lunch, and of course, I saw it the first thing.  It was so thoughtful of you to send us one.

      How are all of you getting along by now?  We are fine.  School has started again, and Jake and Julian are back to the books.  Julian is in the Low 9th, and Jake is in the High 10th.  I have a good job now, and am working every day.

      Some of the men who worked for Papa have opened a new cafe here, called the Shanghai.  Business has been a little better around here for the last week or so, I think

      When are you coming to see us, now that you have that good-looking new car?  We have been looking for you all summer.  We want you to come down just as soon as you can, and bring as many of our uncles and cousins up there as you can.  We would like to see all of you.  We thought we were going to be able to make a trip up there this summer, but we couldn’t make our plans hit somehow.

      Mamma told me to be sure to ask you if you all would like to have some Chinese pumpkins.  We have a few now, and would love to send you some if you want them.

      Write to us soon, and come to see us whenever you can.  If you will let us know about the pumpkins, we will send them on.

      Thank you again for the picture.
                                                                              Your cousin,


1933, Dec 26 – Christmas Greetings

                                                                              Tuesday – December 26 [1933]

Dear Cousin King –

      We can never tell you how much we appreciated the lovely gifts you sent us.  My hose are just the right size and are perfectly beautiful. We have enjoyed the candy so much, too.  Thank you a lot for everything.

      Mamma said you shouldn’t have sent us a thing. The little radio is as nice a Christmas present as anyone could expect and we certainly have enjoyed it. We never do turn out big radio on any more.

      The weather has certainly been grand down here.  Yesterday, after Christmas dinner, everyone in our neighborhood was sitting out on the porch – as you know how warm it was.  We have not had weather a bit cooler than when you were here.  I suppose it’s snowing in Wichita.

      We surely did wish you could have driven down and spent Christmas with us.  Of course it has not been long since you were here, but we would always be glad to see you, and we would surely have liked to have you here to eat goose and turkey with us.  Now that you have a car you can come to see us more often.

      How is everyone up there getting along by now?   We are all fine and hope all of you had a good Christmas.

      Write to us soon, and be sure to come down at the first opportunity.  Thank you again for the very nice remembrances.

      Here’s all our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to all of you.

                                                                              Your cousin,


1934 Dec 21 –Christmas gifts

                                                                              Friday – December 21 [1934]

Dear Cousin King –

      I can’t begin to thank you for the lovely Christmas gifts you sent us – and to tell you just how much we like them.  Of course, we couldn’t wait until Christmas Day to open them.

      My pajamas are perfectly beautiful – and just what I hoped Santa would bring me.  They are the best looking pajamas I have ever owned and I am really proud and happy to have them.

      Jake and Julian were very pleased with their belts.  I think that was just what they wanted and needed, too, and they have been showing them off to all their boy friends.  The lovely cake and candy are delicious and all of us have enjoyed them very, very much.

      You are always sending us so many lovely things – and it seems we never have anything to partly return your thoughtfulness.  However, Mamma and all of us thought you would like to taste her fruit cake – so she is sending you a small one.

      How are you and every one of our friends, cousins and uncles in Wichita?  I have been intending to write you for a long time, but I have been working hard and don’t have much leisure time.  It has been such a long time since you wrote us, too.  We thought perhaps you might be able to get away for a little visit with us sometime soon and have been looking for you to come on down.  You are still scooting around in your Plymouth aren’t you?  How is it running and do you still like it as well?

      Well, I must close because it is getting late and I must get up early tomorrow.  Write to us soon, or better still, come on down to see us.

      Thank you again very very much!

                                                                              Your cousin

1935, Nov 5 – Come to Texas before going to China

                                                                              428 South Fleishel Avenue
                                                                              Tyler, Texas
                                                                              November 5, 1935
Dear Cousin King -

      I came home today and learned from Mamma that you are planning to go to China for a visit soon.  We would like so much for you to come to see us before you go.

      If you will come to see us, we will come to Wichita and get you.  We have a new DeSoto sedan – and can carry several passengers and would like for Poy and cousin Joe [I'm guessing Poy is Pon or Junior Mar (Bok Bok to me) and Joe is his Dad, Sam Joe Mar] to come too.  I have a holiday Monday, November 11, and we could leave here on Saturday and get back in plenty of time.

      Papa has been sick for several months but he is better now although he can’t get around very well and sometimes uses a cane to walk.

      Mamma has a lot to tell you and would like to see you and have a long talk with you before you go away.  She wanted to take Julian and go with you to China and had talked about it – but Julian is in [high] school now and won’t graduate until next May.

      Please try to come to see us and if you possibly can, write me right back so we can plan to leave on Saturday.  We surely hope you can, and we will be so happy to come for you and anyone else who is able to come.

                                                                              Your cousin,
                                                                              Lucille Mardock

Be sure to answer right back!!

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